Thursday, September 15, 2011

Not Again!

I've graduated. Not from school. (Okay yes, I did but that was years ago.) No, I've graduated up from the paint can. Yep. That's right. I used a shoe, believe it or not. :) But really, I'd be nuts to swing a paint can at a scorpion on my wall. Well, at least when he's half way up a wall of Sheetrock. (If you missed the paint can story - here's the link.)

Am I the only one having these troubles? Or am I the only one crazy enough to admit I have the strangest exterminator habits in Southeast Texas? :)

P.S. Just FOUR DAYS until I make tracks for Missouri! I can hardly wait! I shall try to post pictures and keep up with my blog while I'm gone - but I make no promises. :)

1 comment:

  1. Jeez... You should really get something that will keep them from bugging you
