Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Chuckles

Hope ya'll had a very merry Christmas. I enjoyed having some time off from the old wind-n-grind and getting to spend time with my family. My very numerous family. One of the best things about this is the laughter that we share and since "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine" (Proverbs 17:22a), I vote we share the laughter and joy of this season.

One short humorous moment came upon first entering my grandmother's house. You see Christmas Eve in my neck of the woods was quite wet and (for Texas) quite chilly. Which means - no standing outside chewing the fat, no sending the munchkins ranging from knee to shoulder height outdoors to run off that extra energy. No it means you're stuck within four sound-bouncing walls for the duration of the evening.

Thus, the humor of my grandmother's comment when I entered the food-loaded kitchen to the sounds of a couple handfuls of chattering children. "Who ordered the rain?"

Not me. :)

So when did you find time to laugh this weekend?

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